
Kislon Voïtchovsky

Durham University, UK
Soft Condensed Matter and Biological Physics

Soft and Bio NanoInterfaces Lab

Kislon Voïtchovsky is currently a professor in Soft Condensed Matter and Biological Physics at Durham University, UK. He obtained is Masters in Physics from the University of Lausanne (now EPFL), Switzerland, followed by a PhD in Biological Physics from Oxford University (UK), and a 3-year SNSF postdoctoral fellowship in Materials Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA).

He returned to EPFL in 2010 as an SNSF Ambizione Fellow and started his career in Durham in 2013 with a tenure-track assistant professorship. His group’s research focuses on solid-liquid interfaces at the nanoscale, in particular the interplay between molecular-level effects and macroscopic consequences. The research is highly interdisciplinary, often combining cutting-edge new experimental techniques with computer simulations. Applications range from lubrication to the development of biomedical sensing strategies, electrochemical interfaces and molecular self-assembly on minerals.

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