
Day 2 - 30/08/24

9:00 AM

Matteo Dal Peraro,
Director, Institute of Bioengineering (EPFL, Lausanne, CH)

Opening Words

9:05 AM

 Melody A. Swartz
(U. Chicago, USA) ​

Title to be announced

9:50 AM

Sai Reddy
(ETHZ, Basel, CH)

Next-Generation Protein Engineering of Immune Receptors

10:20 AM

Coffee & Posters

10:50 AM

Molly Stevens
(Imperial College, London, UK)

Engineering the Bio-Material Interface for Advanced Therapeutics and Ultrasensitive Biosensing

11:35 AM

Arianna Menciassi
(Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, IT)

Biomedical Application of Soft Robotics

12:20 PM

Giovanni D’Angelo

Atlassing Lipid Metabolism

12:50 PM

Lunch & Posters

2:20 PM

Annual Award Ceremony

Jeffrey Hubbell and Melody Swartz Young Bioengineer Award Lebowski/Lebowska Awards

2:40 PM

Matthias Lutolf
(EPFL, Lausanne & Roche, Basel, CH)

Engineering Organoids

3:25 PM

Nathalie Brandenberg
(SUN bioscience & Doppl SA, Lausanne, CH)

Organoids in Drug Discovery and Personalised Medicine

3:55 PM

David Baker
(U Washington, USA)

Protein Design Using Deep Learning

4:40 PM

Sylvie Roke
Institute Director (EPFL, CH)

Closing Words, Farewell

4:50 PM

End of Symposium

9:00 AM

Matteo Dal Peraro - Director, Institute of Bioengineering (EPFL, Lausanne, CH)

Opening Words

9:05 AM

Melody A. Swartz - (University of Chicago, USA)

Title to be announced

9:50 AM

Sai Reddy - (ETHZ, Basel, CH)

Next-Generation Protein Engineering of Immune Receptors

10:20 AM

Coffee & Posters


10:50 AM

Molly Stevens - (Imperial College, London, UK)

Engineering the Bio-Material Interface for Advanced Therapeutics and Ultrasensitive Biosensing

11:35 AM

Arianna Menciassi - (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, IT)

Biomedical Application of Soft Robotics

12:20 PM

Giovanni D'Angelo - (EPFL, CH)

Atlassing Lipid Metabolism

12:50 PM

Lunch & Posters


2:20 PM

Annual Award ceremony

Jeffrey Hubbell and Melody Swartz Young Bioengineer Award
Lebowski/Lebowska Awards

2:40 PM

Matthias Lutolf - (EPFL, Lausanne and Roche, Basel, CH)

Engineering Organoids

3:35 PM

Nathalie Brandenberg - (SUN bioscience and Doppl SA, Lausanne, CH)

Organoids in Drug Discovery and Personalised Medicine

3:55 PM

David Baker - (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)

Protein Design Using Deep Learning

4:40 PM

Sylvie Roke - Director, Institute of Bioengineering (EPFL, Lausanne, CH)

Closing Words, Farewell

4:50 PM

End of Symposium


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