
Day 1 - 29/08/24

9:00 AM

Sylvie Roke,
Director, Institute of Bioengineering (EPFL, Lausanne, CH)

Welcome, Opening Words

9:10 AM

Jeffrey Hubbell,
(U. Chicago, USA)

Immunoengineering to Make and Break Tolerance

9:55 AM

Daan Frenkel (U Cambridge, UK) & Maartje M.C. Bastings (EPFL, CH)

Super-Selective Biomaterials in Action: From 2D Crystals to Immune Communication

10:50 AM

Coffee & Posters

11:20 AM

Kislon Voïtchovsky
(Durham University, UK)

Nanoscale Tracking of Molecules and Ions at Biointerfaces: From Individual Diffusion to Correlative Group Effects

11:50 AM

Sylvie Roke

Wonderful Water

12:20 PM

Chan Cao
(U Geneva, CH)

Nanopore for Single-Molecule Analysis

12:50 PM

Lunch & Posters

2:20 PM

Ralf Jungmann
(LMU Munich, DE)

Localizomics: Towards Spatial Omics Using DNA-Based Super-Resolution Microscopy

3:05 PM

Maria Brbić  

Towards AI-driven Discoveries in Single-cell Genomics

3:35 PM

‘Special ‘Jeffrey Hubbell and Melody Swartz Young Bioengineer Award’ session

Speakers and titles tba

4:35 PM

Coffee & Posters

5:05 PM

William F. DeGrado
(UC San Francisco, USA)

De Novo Design of Protein Switches, Catalysts and Therapeutics

6:00 PM

Apéritif, Barbecue and Outdoor Party

9:00 AM

Sylvie Roke - Director, Institute of Bioengineering (EPFL, Lausanne, CH)

Welcome, Opening Words

9:10 AM

Jeffrey Hubbell - (University of Chicago, USA)

Immunoengineering to Make and Break Tolerance

9:55 AM

Daan Frenkel - (University of Cambridge, UK) & Maartje Bastings (EPFL, CH)

Super-Selective Biomaterials in Action: From 2D Crystals to Immune Communication

10:50 AM

Coffee & Posters


11:20 AM

Kislon Voïtchovsky - (Durham University, UK)

Nanoscale Tracking of Molecules and Ions at Biointerfaces: From Individual Diffusion to Correlative Group Effects

11:50 AM

Sylvie Roke - (EPFL, CH)

Wonderful Water

12:50 PM

Chan Cao - (University of Geneva, CH)

Nanopore for Single-Molecule Analysis

12:50 PM

Lunch & Posters


2:20 PM

Ralf Jungmann - (LMU Munich, DE)

Localizomics: Towards Spatial Omics Using DNA-Based Super-Resolution Microscopy

3:05 PM

Maria Brbić - (EPFL, CH)

Towards AI-driven Discoveries in Single-cell Genomics

3:35 PM

Special 'Jeffrey Hubbell and Melody Swartz Young Bioengineer Award' session

Speakers and titles to be announced

4:35 PM

Coffee & Posters


5:05 PM

William F. DeGrado - (University of California, San Francisco, USA)

 De Novo Design of Protein Switches, Catalysts and Therapeutics

6:00 PM

Apéritif, Outdoor Party: Barbecue and DJ


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